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The best place for children to grow up is in their families. In-home services support and assist families in keeping their children safely at home. They represent a commitment to the central importance of the family in protecting and assuring the well-being of children. In-home services are provided to families who have come to the attention of a child welfare agency through a child protection report or self-referral, whether or not the agency initiates a formal assessment or investigation. In-home include services delivered to families in home, office and community settings.
The NRCFCP is a leader in research, training and technical assistance around in-home services. From 2009-2014 the NRCFCP served as the National Resource Center for In-Home Services (NRCinhome) through a cooperative agreement with the Childrens Bureau. NRCinhome helped states and tribes achieve safe solutions for children by strengthening core casework practices and developing culturally competent services to meet the needs of families in their home communities. We continue to guide agencies to select and implement services which have been shown to be effective in reducing maltreatment, improving caretaking and coping skills, enhancing family resilience, supporting healthy and nurturing relationships, and fostering children’s physical, mental, emotional and educational well-being.
Linked you will find issue articles, briefs, curricula, and videos on a range of specific in-home services topics.