The NRCFCP's Peer Workforce Collaborative project was featured in the Iowa Department of Public Health's (IDPH) April 2022 Newsletter. The Peer Workforce Collaborative is a five-year grant with the goal of recruiting, screening, and training Peer Support Specialists and Recovery Peer Coaches in the state of Iowa.
To qualify for training through the IPWC, a Peer must have lived experience with serious mental illness and be living in recovery or for Peer Recovery Coach training, a peer must have lived experience of a substance use disorder and be living in recovery.
Training as a Peer Support Specialist consists of five days of training, provided by IPWC, to peers who meet the training criteria. A six-hour Ethics for Peer Support Specialists is also provided as a separate training. The Recovery Peer Coach training is provided by Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) and is a 1-week, 30-hour online training. All training provided by IPWC is free to Peers in Iowa through our grant.
For more information about the Iowa Peer Workforce Collaborative, please visit : https://www.iowa
See the IDPH newsletter here