SAMHSA has announced the availability of up to $23.4 million for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health grants. The purpose of this program is to improve outcomes for young children by developing, maintaining, or enhancing infant and early childhood mental health promotion, intervention, and treatment services, including programs for infants and children at significant risk of developing, showing early signs of, or having been diagnosed with a mental illness, including a serious emotional disturbance (SED).
The National Resource Center offers three trainings to strengthen the skills of the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health workforce: Family Development Specialist training, Family Support Supervisor Training, and Family Peer Support Specialist training. The Family Peer Support Specialist Training prepares parents with lived experience to provide support to other families whose child experiences a Serious Emotional Disability (SED).
We are happy to consult with agencies about how an NRC training could be included in a grant proposal. Contact NRC Training Director Lisa D’Aunno at