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Report: How Family Peer Support Specialists Help Families Navigate Iowa’s School System

Friday, June 14, 2024
In a new report, Carol Coohey and Carrie Means of the Iowa Peer Workforce Collaborative describe how Family Peer Support Specialists help families navigate Iowa’s school system. Family Peer Support Specialists provide a bridge between parents and schools so children with behavioral and educational challenges can get what they need.

Landsman Awarded Hancher-Finkbine Medallion

Monday, April 22, 2024
Prof. Miriam Landsman, executive director of the National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice, was awarded a Hancher-Finkbine Medallion on April 16 at the 107th Finkbine Dinner Celebration.

Peer Support Worker Supervision and Retention Report Released

Thursday, March 7, 2024
In this report by Carol Coohey, Abigail Heaton, Kellee Thorburn McCrory, and Miriam J. Landsman, peer supervisors talk about what they believe peer workers need and what supervisors need to know to supervise peer workers.